

One of the biggest questions for car enthusiasts is " How do you not get bored or Fed up with working on cars ?"

As complex as it might seem to people... it's pretty simple... How can I ?
I wake up everyday... Put my gear on, Hop in my Dub and Cruise to work... Where for 10 hours a day I Diag and repair VW/Audi's all day long. Only to leave... goto my own shop and work on my own car, Projekt car or a friends car. After that is said and done i find myself on the computer reading up on all the latest news and info them aswell.

Wether it be that being elbow deep in grease , driking beers with your buddies trying to solve the noise coming from your engine... or Installing a new set of binders in your driveway to slow the fraight train of power down when you need to... it's an accomplishment at the end of it. Something anyone can achieve. The satisfaction that your hard work and due dilligence combined have produced a end result which you can physically see and use is a great feeling.

We do it because we love to. Not just because we have too.

So for all those out there who turn wrenchs for a living, or in your spare time.. Keep the passion alive. If you feel it slipping... then just sit back for a while, take a break from it and just enjoy what you have.....It happens to everyone.

As we get older... our Toys get bigger and Faster.... From Matchbox cars to Remote Controlled to Being behind the wheel .... It's the evolution of the Car enthusiast

1991 Volkswagen Passat Wagon 16v

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